GOD MADE ME (Unit 2) of LittleLegends Preschool Curriculum (10wks)
GOD MADE ME (Unit 2) of LittleLegends Preschool Curriculum (10wks)
Written by Margaret Ranchhod
Discovering through Genesis how God created me and my world.
The aims of this unit include:
For our children to experience
The God of creation
A love of His presence
To know He helps us grow
That they are unique and treasured
They can contribute to their world
Children can hear His voice and see what He sees
God is with them wherever they go
They are God’s idea!
The unit includes:
how to run discovery stations
discipleship for leaders
parent engagement posters
over 40 activation ideas
10 lessons
LittleLegends is quite unique in that as a curriculum we set out to encourage and disciple our leaders first (hence the devotional that is included on the right of every lesson) to awaken their hunger and thirst for more.
Our leaders were untrained youth who had no particular skill with children, but what we found was that it was their faith and unity in the room that God responded to and the little children's encounters with God happened naturally as a result of that!
Each lesson gives ideas for discovery stations that can help facilitate the leaders interactions with the kids, use them as stepping stones that can bring the kids into an experience with Him.